Business Access by TDimage

Episode 33: Featuring John Rockefeller

Episode Summary

The appearance of SARS-CoV-02 has given Global Health Epidemiology it's most challenging foe since HIV/AIDS. It has moved through the global populace with purpose, and strength. It has also introduced us to the term "syndemic" during it's first 6 months of ubiquitious expansion. With these novel, and medically brutal, challenges ahead we are seeing the most dangerous set of co-morbidities in medical history. We are currently at the starting line of what will become a battle for a new set of constructs for human survival with multiple Covid outflows. The concept of Covid combining with TB, Hep B/C, Malaria, all NCD's, in LMIC's and increasing chronicity of preexisting morbidities, will put us squarely in the crosshairs of yet another Global Health mortality spike. We need to push our diagnostic platforms with testing and data compilation to control, and prepare for what lies ahead. At this point in time (10/20) there is an incredible spike in Mental Health comorbidities that is creating a need for vast expansion of mental health practitioners to join with the Infectious Disease Docs to reign in the depression, despair and anxiety that is sure to lead beyond what the first rung of the SARS-CoV-02 ladder has already served us with. The time to act on all SARS-CoV-02 fronts is our mandate. This is not a battle for vaccines, it is a battle for human life, and human potential through a minefield of novel co-morbid medical brushfires. The concepts of vaccine, anti-viral agents, and symptomatic cures will only be the start, as we travel down the wormhole of the most epic battle in disease complexity. Global Health organizations will need funding for increased preparedness and control for systems already severely challenged. These challenges will define Global Health for the coming decades. Our innovation and outcomes will create the level of our resiliance for the coming century. The most challenging landscapes for the opening salvos in this public health challenge will be fought in large institutions, particularly in schools and the high density populations of the urban core. To be successful, we need to overprepare, rather than assume our medical knowledge to be historically logical. SARS-CoV-02 is an entirely new landscape, and should be treated as such. The rise of this syndemic will continue to create novel infection rates and comorbidities until we focus with more innovation and intention across all political landscapes, and all geographies. We are now, most certainly, entering the Covid Century.